Allow me to introduce myself - my name is Vanessa.

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With a slender figure, dark hair, and an infectious smile, you might find yourself addicted to my charm. My easy-going, warm, and lively nature will make you feel extremely comfortable and special in my company. I have a bubbly and sunny disposition that radiates positive energy and completely fills the room. Many find me very easy to be with and very difficult to part with…as perhaps you’ll agree.

Charming, sweet and tender, I'm a blend of elegance, intelligence, and the exotic. I grew up by the sea where surfing was my escape, but I've since traded sandy shores for the vibrant energy of city life. My studies have been a wild ride too. From art school, where creativity ignited my soul, to business graduate, I embraced the beauty of color palettes and the power of spreadsheets with equal enthusiasm. 

During my downtime, I immerse myself in life's little pleasures – from globetrotting to exploring art galleries, comedy clubs, swaying to the rhythm in jazz bars, savoring culinary delights at new restaurants, and voraciously consuming multiple books at once. Mornings begin with a cup of coffee and a good article, while some nights extend past my bedtime, fueled by lively banter over a bottle of bubbly, preferably in great company. 

A vivacious free spirit, I like to indulge in sensations that excite me: passion, intimacy, decadence and authentic connection, and seek the company of a similar type of gentleman, who appreciates the finer things in life in all their simplicity and embraces the unexpected.

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I’ve come to realize that it's not so much what you do, but who you do it with. Real luxury, after all, is found in time well spent. 

Let’s take our time to revel in the excitement of a new lover over a bottle of bubbly and stimulating conversation, entice each other over the dinner table, or fly off to lose ourselves in a new adventure together. Wherever our paths take us, I aim for our time together to be invigorating, sensual, and enjoyable in every aspect. Being attentive to your needs, whether physical or mental, my desire is to make you feel cherished, to explore your mind, your passions, and desires.

Take this as an invitation to indulge in this unique opportunity that can lead to a memorable adventure - to step out of the ordinary and into the thrill of connection that makes time fly by in a heartbeat.

If you are looking for a passionate lover with long legs and a bubbly demeanor, then I’d be your right partner for all adventures. I hope to be your relaxation and excitement, and your sweet escape from everyday life.

The pleasure is all mine,

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Location: Based in Paris

Age: 20s

Height: 173cm |  5’8”

Dress Size: 34/XS 

Bra Size: 34B

Shoe Size: EU 38 | US 8

Education: Master’s degree

Smoker: No

Tattos: Yes, one

Drink: Champagne, Rosé and White wine, Margarita

Food: Seafood, Italian, Japanese

Color: Royal blue, Ivory

Scent: Tonka, Amber, Jasmine, Warm vanilla

Music: 80s New Wave, Jazz, house, classical

Watch: Dark comedies, psychological thrillers

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